ANZAC DAY 25 April 2023
Thank you to the CHP RSL Sub-Branch, Bargo Sports Club Members, local school students, families, community groups and special guests who gathered to commemorate ANZAC Day.
Here we share our story . . .

On ANZAC Day each year, as a community we remember those who have fallen, pay our respects to our ex-service men and women and show our pride for those who serve today.
In keeping with our communal [CMNL] ANZAC tradition, our service proudly hosted by our local school students.
Our collaboration with CHPRSL Sub-Branch and local school students is greatly valued, as we continue to honour our commitment to preserving the ANZAC Legend, and to foster connections with our young community.
We commemorate our Veterans at Bargo Sports on this ANZAC Day with close to 500 attendees at the Service.
Amongst those that attended it was great to see representation by generations young and old.
Today, and on other important days of commemoration, we appreciate their endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour and mateship. These qualities, coupled with their sacrifices and stories became the ANZAC legend.
Services held across the nation today provide opportunities for everyone to honour the contributions and sacrifices our Veterans have made.

Our service began with a ‘Welcome to Country’ presented by an Aboriginal Land Council representative.
After an amazing performance by Jiah King on the Digeridoo, MC’s for the event Shelby Lupino and Hannah Sultana from Wollondilly Anglican College, opened up the service on what it means for them to be part of the ANZAC Day Service.
ANZAC Day is a day for reflection.
A day where we commemorate and honour the contributions made by our veterans. As the Nation pause to respect and remember not only those who have sacrificed their lives for our Country, we also need to honour the families whose lives had been changed forever by the loss of a loved one
Alec Bennett and Jess Fraser from Wollondilly Anglican College gave a speech with their interpretation of what ANZAC Day means to them. It is important for our next generation and the generations beyond that to listen, learn and pass on these stories / memories.
Judith Hannah, State Government Representative and Deputy Major Mathew Deeth both delivered messages and paid respects to our veterans.
Students from Bargo Public and Yanderra Public Schools were highly involved in the ceremony, whilst Bargo Scouts also helped with the formation of the Catafalque Party. These partnership and collaboration with our local schools will allow us to ensure their voices are heard and stories continue to be shared within the communities.
“It is important that our traditions are shared and for them to be nurtured, which is why a tradition for us is that our local schools play a primary role in delivering the service to our community.” Dean Thomas, CEO Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club | CMNL
Wreaths were laid to pay our respects and gratitude. A moving experience for all who attended the Service.
Through the stories shared they contribute greatly to our Australian history and play an important part in ensuring all generations create connections, learn, understand, acknowledge stories which helped shape Australia.
Together we will preserve the ANZAC Legend.
Lest We Forget
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely say thank you to all those who participated at the Service plus all members of staff:
- Shelby Lupino and Hannah Sultana – Wollondilly Anglican College
- Alec Bennet and Jess Fraser – Wollondilly Anglican College
- Aboriginal Land Council Representative – Welcome to Country
- Judith Hannah – State Government Representative
- Mathew Deeth – Deputy Major
- Dave Clayton – Chairperson Bargo Advisory Committee
- Kerry Chisolm – Returned Serviceman
- Jordan Mottershead – Wollondilly Anglican College
- Jiah King – Didgeridoo
- Bargo Scouts – Catafalque Party
- Yanderra Public School – AUS National Anthem
Wreath layers
- Bargo Bunnies
- Bargo Golf Club Bargo
- Bargo Men’s Bowling Club
- Bargo Men’s Shed
- Bargo Netball
- Bargo Public School
- Bargo RFS
- Bargo Scouts
- Bargo Sports Club
- Ken McIntyre OAM – President Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Sub-Branch
- Dave Clayton – Bargo Advisory Chairperson
- Cr Brandstarter & Cr Rogers – Deputy Mayor
- Judith Hannah – State Government Representative
- Picton Swim Club
- Picton Gymnastics
- Returned Serviceman Kerry Chisolm
- Tahmoor Soccer
- Wollondilly Knights Senior AFL Club
- Wollondilly Netball Association
- Wollondilly Razorbacks
- Yanderra Public School
- Yanderra RFS
Behind the Scenes
- Lighting design – TTE Group
- Photography – JWG Photography
ANZAC Day Activities
Share your story

We invite you to post your ANZAC story here to share with our community!
It is important in our Australian history for all generations to create connections, to learn, understand, acknowledge, and share the stories about ANZAC Day, stories which helped shaped Australia, a chance for everyone to honour the contributions and sacrifices our Veterans have made.
As ANZAC Day is a special day for many Australians, we want to be able to take this occasion to invite you to share your personal stories and / or journey with us and your community.
Many families also have traditions on how they commemorate, whether is attending a dawn service, baking ANZAC cookies, or making paper poppies. In what manner do you and your family commemorate this special day?
We look forward to hearing your ANZAC stories!