ANZAC DAY 25 April 2023
Thank you to the CHP RSL Sub-Branch, CHP RSL Members, local school students, families and special guests who gathered at Bert Crook Memorial to commemorate ANZAC Day.
Here we share our story . . .

On ANZAC Day each year, as a community we remember those who have fallen, pay our respects to our ex-service men and women and show our pride for those who serve today.
In keeping with our communal [CMNL] ANZAC tradition, our service proudly hosted by our local school students.
Our collaboration with CHPRSL Sub-Branch and local school students is greatly valued, as we continue to honour our commitment to preserving the ANZAC Legend, and to foster connections with our young community.
This year more than 600 attendees gathered for our ANZAC Day Dawn Service to commemorate our Veterans.
Amongst those that attended it was great to see representation by generations young and old.
Today, and on other important days of commemoration, we appreciate their endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour and mateship. These qualities, coupled with their sacrifices and stories became the ANZAC legend.
Services held across the nation today provide opportunities for everyone to honor the contributions and sacrifices our Veterans have made.

Uncle Brendan began his ‘Welcome to Country’ in good humour, sharing stories from the past and into the present. He described the rich history of this land and welcomed all to Bidjigal country on this day of remembrance.
Ken McIntye OAM – President of Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club Sub-Branch welcomed local Sub-Branch members and their families, and paid respects to those who had passed this year.
With a quote from J.R.R Tolkien in Lord of The Rings, Reverend Stephen Gardner from St Paul’s Anglican Church Canterbury delivered his ceremony of remembrance to our audience of all ages. “Deeds will not be less valiant just because they are unpraised. An important aspect of today is to correct that, to honour those who have served on our behalf.”
ANZAC Day is a day for reflection.
A day where we commemorate and honour the contributions made by our veterans. As the Nation pause to respect and remember not only those who have sacrificed their lives for our Country, we also need to honour the families whose lives had been changed forever by the loss of a loved one.
CHP RSL representatives, distinguished guests and local government Members, Sophie Cotsis MP, Clr Barbara Coorey, Clr Jessie Nguyen, and on behalf of Anthony Albanese – Jess D’Arienzo, laid wreaths to pay our respects and gratitude. A moving experience for all who attended the Service.
The Australian and New Zealand National Anthems were performed by Christopher Lee and Rosita Vai, supported by Ashbury Public School Choir. It was a proud moment when the kids gathered in front of the memorial, and to see their families in attendance at our service.
Local school students share their stories
The MC’s and speakers from Canterbury Primary and Canterbury Boys High shared important stories and perspectives from our younger generation.
Stories shared today contribute greatly to our Australian history and play an important part in ensuring all generations create connections, learn, understand, acknowledge stories which helped shape Australia.
“It is important that our traditions are shared and for them to be nurtured, which is why a tradition for us is that our local schools play a primary role in delivering the service to our community.” Dean Thomas, CEO Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club | CMNL
These partnership and collaboration with our local schools
will allow us to ensure their voices are heard and stories
continue to be shared within the communities.
Together we will preserve the ANZAC Legend.
Lest We Forget.
ANZAC Stories
Tarek Chamas and Ellie Szmajda from Canterbury Primary School shared stories of ANZACS, and what the commemoration means to them.
“Anzac Day means to me a time to focus on the history and the people that came before me. I think of our school cenotaph and the 60 men who were once students at Canterbury Public School like me, and who enlisted in World War One. Men like Lesley Earnest Willoughby, his brothers Spencer and Arthur would have walked through the same gates as I walk through every day when I go to school. His body would be missing in action and there was no grave for family or loved ones to visit.”
“He would have had dreams of the future and things he wanted to do. Tomorrow when I and the other members of the Student Leadership Team lay wreaths at the school Cenotaph, we will think about how all the men were just like our students and fought in a war that changed history.”
Tarek Chamas – Canterbury Public School
“Anzac Day is officially a day when we stop and reflect on the sacrifices that Australian soldiers made for us to live in a free country. It’s also about remembering the sacrifices and bravery of so many others. Many that displayed bravery without holding a gun or leaving our shores.”
“I think of mothers who said goodbye to their sons knowing that they may never see them again. Mothers such as Lila Kalewis, in 1915, she waved goodbye to her four sons who are bound for a wall halfway around the world. Exactly 108 years ago to this very minute. Her four sons landed on a beach in a faraway place called Gallipoli. A place Mrs. Kalewis would have never heard of, but within five months, it would take the lives of three of her sons.”
Anzac Day is more than just remembering soldiers. It’s about honoring them, their bravery and sacrifice to ensure that we enjoy our safety and freedom. We will remember.
Ellie Szmajda – Canterbury Public School
Through the art of storytelling, generations create connections, learn, understand and acknowledge stories which helped shape Australia.
Gunfire Breakfast
Following the service everyone came together inside the warmth of the Club, for the traditional swapping of stories and memories between veterans and families.
ANZAC Day kids’ activity packs were provided, with thanks to RSL Queensland and RSL Education. The activities were suitable for all ages and are great learning tools to educate and inspire all generations to continue to commemorate our Veterans
Ashbury Primary School Band and Choir also joined the day’s events, preforming for those who attended our gunfire breakfast following the service.
All funds raised on the day were donated to RSL LifeCare Veteran Services, Disaster Relief Australia and Swiss 8 in support of the heroes of our frontline of defence and their families.
Ken McIntyre OAM introduced the Table of Remembrance and explained the importance – a place of honour to remember all those men and women who fought for and with Australia. Each item on the table represents the emotions and feelings reserved for those who did not come home. For we will always remember them.
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely say thank you to all those who participated at the Service plus all members of staff:
- Alexander Lee and Samir Sungkar – Canterbury Boys High School
- Ellie Szmajda and Tarek Chamas – Canterbury Public School
- Uncle Brendan – Welcome to Country
- Ken McIntyre OAM – President |Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Sub-Branch
- Reverend Stephen Gardner – St Paul’s Anglican Church Canterbury
- Matthew Doyle – didgeridoo
- Ashbury Public School Choir & Band
- Rosita Vai – NZ National Anthem
- Christopher Lee – AUS National Anthem
Wreath layers
- Ken McIntyre OAM – President Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Sub-Branch
- John Crowhurst – President CHP RSL
- Dean Thomas – CEO CHP RSL
- Stephan Bley and Nicole Galvin – CHP RSL
- Jess D’Arienzo – behalf of the Hon Anthony Albanese Prime Minister of Australia
- Sophie Cotsis – MP Member for Canterbury
- Clr Barbara Coorey and Jessie Nguyen – representing Canterbury Bankstown Council
- Burwood Police
- Michael Morris – Canterbury Hospital
- Ernest Newbold – WWI and WWII Veterans
- Michael Dinh – Korean and Vietnam Vets
- Muriel Buckland – Veterans of Post Vietnam Conflicts
- Shirley Saunders – CHP RSL Sub Branch Auxiliary
- Ray Buckland – on behalf of CHP RSL Sub Clubs
Behind the Scenes
- Lighting design – Michael Burton Enterprises
- Musical Engineering – Sweet Sounds
- Video production – Double Star Co
- Photography – Daily Press Productions

Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Sub-Branch Community Engagement
During the month of April Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Sub-Branch committee members participated in various community engagements, playing their part in preserving the ANZAC legend, and paying their respects on the day.
Ken McIntyre OAM – President
Ken represented Sub-Branch at several ANZAC Day pre-services, Kokoda Track (Concord), Belfield RSL and Royal Rehab. He also attended three ANZAC Day events, where he was honoured to read the Ode and participate in laying of wreaths at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club, Bargo Sports Club and at Magpie Sports Club.
In addition, Ken handed out poppies and numerous homemade ANZAC biscuits to local community and staff at CHP RSL.
Malcolm Little OAM – Vice President
Malcolm was a guest speaker at Campsie Rotary prior to ANZAC Day, speaking about the derivation of the word ANZAC, the role of the Anzacs at Gallipoli and the cause of WWI. He was also deputy Chief Marshal at the Sydney ANZAC Day March where many Sydneysiders attended to pay their respects.
Following ANZAC Day Malcolm represented the Sub-Branch at Trinity Grammar, a solemn event as crosses were placed in the ground of each man who died during the war. A great reminder for our generation to remember the sacrifices of our Veterans. Also visited St Maroun’s College and spoke about Australia’s involvement and causes of WWI.
Muriel Buckland – Hon Secretary / Trustee
Muriel conducted ANZAC Services at two aged care facilities in the lead up to ANZAC Day, Lakemba Masonic Aged Care and St Vincents Aged Care in Haberfield and also represented the Sub-Branch at Ashfield RSL.
On Anzac Day she proudly lay wreaths at both Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL and Magpie Sports Club in Croydon Park. The following day, she joined local schools Marrickville High School and Canterbury Public School with their ANZAC service where it was very well received.
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Share your story

We invite you to post your ANZAC story here to share with our community!
It is important in our Australian history for all generations to create connections, to learn, understand, acknowledge, and share the stories about ANZAC Day, stories which helped shaped Australia, a chance for everyone to honour the contributions and sacrifices our Veterans have made.
As ANZAC Day is a special day for many Australians, we want to be able to take this occasion to invite you to share your personal stories and / or journey with us and your community.
Many families also have traditions on how they commemorate, whether is attending a dawn service, baking ANZAC cookies, or making paper poppies. In what manner do you and your family commemorate this special day?
We look forward to hearing your ANZAC stories!
Lest we forget
My Grandfather John Coughey.
Honours and Awards to the New Zealand
Expeditionary Force in the Great War 1914-1918
COUGHEY, John 13631
M.M. Private, 1st Company, New Zealand
Machine -gun Corps
L.G. 17 December 1917, p13201, Rec No 1341
For bravery and devotion to duty. During the action east of St Julien on 4 October 1917. when the gun which Private Coughey belonged was put out of action at a critical time in the advance, and a captured German gun brought into action in its place, he brought two loads of German ammunition across open country under heavy machine-gun fire. Subsequently he conducted a carrying party to his gun under heavy shell fire and throughout the action, he showed an entire disregard of danger.
Anzac Day has always held a place in my family’s heart – My son developed a passion for the military when he was 7 years old and we would celebrate Anzac Day by visiting the ACT war memorial to attending the dawn service every year at Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL – this year however Anzac Day holds a very special and new meaning to my family as my 18-year-old son has enlisted in the ADF (Army) and although we always hope for peace – Anzac Day has a whole new meaning for us and we have so much respect for all that have served – past and present. Lest we forget.
My Uncle, Lewis Hamilton TUCK, saw action in Italy in WWII. He along with various of his Kiwi cohort were captured, and put on a train towards a German PoW camp. Lewis and several of his mob managed to escape the train, and spent a week or two trying to find some way back to allied territory. Yarns have been told (once only!) of watching farmers plant potatoes, only to have the crafty PoWs dig ’em up after sundown; and of the odd chook or two being ‘enlisted’ for chow detail. One particular thing which I’ve always found very striking….
The Kiwi escapees were eventually recaptured and moved to a Stalag inside of Germany, where they remained until ’44/45′ I think.
During that second incarceration, my Grannie (Winnifred Tuck – nee Becker) – sent as many red cross parcels as she was allowed. In those parcels, amongst mittens, sox, etc, would invariably be toffee and “hungryman’s” fruit-cake, and cookies – all well seeded with flakes of gold from Nelson Creek, New Zealand. Lew was able to trade gold with the guards to enable “better” jobs for the lads – such as in the kitchen, where they were all able to gently filch food and supply others within the camp as well.
Lest we forget.
ANZAC DAY is a very special day.
It is a time to remember and honour our service men and women and service animals as well.
For me it is a time to reflect on my Grandfathers service in the Light Horse WWI
My Fathers service in WW11 as a Spitfire Pilot and my Son in Laws 10 year service in the RAN
Lest we Forget
My Dad Erwin Hagle
Fought in WWII
I am Sad to say he never wandet to talk about it I suppose it was to Painful also in that Era nobody talked openly about anything not like today The only thing I know he fought in France got injured and ended up in a Military Hospital on he’s recovery he was send home I think the War effected him deeply
They where incredible Young Man I am so proud of him