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Supporting those in need during the pandemic.

CMNL contributed $10,000 to Addison Road Community Centre for their Food Pantry initiative. This funding went toward developing culturally appropriate ‘Asian Hampers’ (with guidance from ‘advising chef’ Kylie Kwong), provide petrol vouchers for families in need and filling more than 100 general emergency food hampers.


CMNL is committed to providing support to their surrounding communities, and in times like these last few years it is more important than ever. During the pandemic the community worked hard at playing their part in working toward us returning to a life with more freedoms, we sought out how we could best help. We identified that the best way to reach the most people in need, was to support an organization that is making a big difference.

Thank you – Addi Road for helping us help our community.

The Asian Food hampers were collated with advising chef ‘Kylie Kwong’ and delivered to households who were isolating, unwell or unable to go shopping or afford home delivery from major retailers. The initiative ensured provisions for culturally tailored food relief hampers.


The Addison Road Food Pantry launched in 2016 in response to growing inequality and environmental concerns. They rescue 8 tonnes of food every week (pre-pandemic) and with support of volunteers, staff, partner organisations and business donors and sell packaged goods at a very low cost.

It became a priority during the 2021 lockdown to provide emergency relief to communities and individuals that were in desperate need of support. The Addison Road Community Organisation is seeing 20% increase in demand week-on-week since this lockdown began, with a sharp rise in the number of people doing it tough in Sydney right now.

6,000 people a week were being assisted through:

  1. Addi Road Food Pantry at Marrickville and Camperdown.
  2. Mobile food pantry and outreach work.
  3. Home delivery service.
  4. Hampers distributed in partnership with civil society organisations.

Food is the connection to checking in on households and communities.
its understanding fears – connecting – responding & listening.

Addi Kylie Kwong